Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jersey Shore.....First the Hills, then all of MTV

12/29/09 Jersey Shore takes over MTV

Ok, maybe I have a little too much free time on my hands…but here's a thoughts on the Jersey Shore

A couple of things jump to mind about the new MTV show on the Jersey shore

• It’s classic east coast. The guys (weather you like them or not) work out like fiends, they’re all pretty diesel. Meanwhile the girls all seem to think that there’s nothing wrong with them that a little spray tan and a wonder bra can’t fix. Typical. These girls couldn’t get a job waiting tables at Waffle house in Cali. Can you imagine how ridiculed “snookie” would be if she were on the Hills? She’d be the reality show equivalent of the “fat chic” from Wilson Phillips.

• And speaking of the Hills, how long do you think any one of those people would last in the jersey shore house? Kristin is supposed to be “the bitch” --- can you imagine if she tried any shit with J –Wow?

It would look like Kimbo slice vs. Dustin Diamond. Not pretty.

And what about the “bad-boys”—how about Spencer or Justin Bobby trying to pull some attitude shit with the Jersey Boys? Don’t see that working out too well either.

• Break out star of the show has to be “The Situation”…if he doesn’t get his own show…or at least be on VH1 dating show (“STICKY SITUATION”) I will be severely disappointed. And if you’re his agent and you don’t already have him producing an Abs workout DVD, you need to be fired. I didn’t see it a Christmas, but if he doesn’t come out with “The Spring Break Situation: Get beach ready abs in 15 minutes a day” in early February, something is way wrong.

• Finally, I beg you MTV. Please include the Jersey Shore cast in future “Gauntlet” Real World/Road Rules Challenges. This has to happen. If they thought they had found the ultimate in sociopaths with the current crew, this could push them into reality TV nirvanah.

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